Anomalously High Recruitment of the 2010 Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) Year Class: Evidence of Indirect Effects from the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico …
Establishment of a taxonomic and molecular reference collection to support the identification of species regulated by the Western Australian Prevention List for Introduced Marine Pests …
Contrasting Patterns of Gene Flow for Amazonian Snakes That Actively Forage and Those That Wait in Ambush …
Characterizing opportunistic breeding at a continental scale using all available sources of phenological data: An assessment of 337 species across the Australian continent …
Small-scale habitat complexity of artificial turf influences the development of associated invertebrate assemblages …
Climate, soil or both? Which variables are better predictors of the distributions of Australian shrub species? …
Drosophila divalent metal ion transporter Malvolio is required in dopaminergic neurons for feeding decisions …
Interactive effects of waterlogging and atmospheric CO2 concentration on gas exchange, growth and functional traits of Australian riparian tree seedlings …
Cryptic sympatric species across the Australian range of the global estuarine invader Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923) (Serpulidae, Annelida) …
Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland …
Raspberry ketone supplement promotes early sexual maturation in male Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) …
Different depths, different fauna: habitat influences on the distribution of groundwater invertebrates …
Impact of mining and forest regeneration on small mammal biodiversity in the Western Region of Ghana …
PartitionFinder 2: New Methods for Selecting Partitioned Models of Evolution for Molecular and Morphological Phylogenetic Analyses …
Host-specific associations affect the microbiome of Philornis downsi, an introduced parasite to the Galápagos Islands. …
Contrasting impacts of ocean acidification and warming on the molecular responses of CO2-resilient oysters …
Limited sex bias in the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of the eastern grey kangaroo and its relationship to habitat …
Genetic Variation and Its Reflection on Posttranslational Modifications in Frequency Clock and Mating Type a-1 Proteins in Sordaria fimicola …
Hunting with sticky tape: functional shift in silk glands of araneophagous ground spiders (Gnaphosidae) …
Interactions between the developmental and adult social environments mediate group dynamics and offspring traits in Drosophila melanogaster …
Swimming metabolic rates vary by sex and development stage, but not by species, in three species of Australian otariid seals …
Short and long-term impacts of ultra-low-volume pesticide and biopesticide applications for locust control on non-target arid zone arthropods …
Glycoprotein 60 diversity in C. hominis and C. parvum causing human cryptosporidiosis in NSW, Australia …
Interactions between the developmental and adult social environments mediate group dynamics and offspring traits in Drosophila melanogaster …
Different Roles for Honey Bee Mushroom Bodies and Central Complex in Visual Learning of Colored Lights in an Aversive Conditioning Assay …
Optimum air temperature for tropical forest photosynthesis: mechanisms involved and implications for climate warming …
Intrinsic and extrinsic influences on standard metabolic rates of three species of Australian otariid …
Length-weight and length-length relationships for six commercial fishes from southern Korean waters …
Community recommendations on terminology and procedures used in flooding and low oxygen stress research …
Differences in life-cycle stage components between native and introduced ranges of five woody Fabaceae species …
Ontogenetic changes in spectral sensitivity and retinal topography in the retina of the yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi): Implications for the global Seriola aquaculture industry …
Morphometry and microanatomy of the barbels of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae): implications for pristiophorid behaviour …
Conservation implications of physiological carry-over effects in bats recovering from white-nose syndrome …
Impact of mining and forest regeneration on small mammal biodiversity in the Western Region of Ghana …
Skyline retention and retroactive interference in the navigating Australian desert ant, Melophorus bagoti …
Allometry in the terminal velocity-dispersal architecture relationship explains variation in dispersal and offspring provisioning strategies in wind dispersed Asteraceae species. …
Archipelagos of the Anthropocene: rapid and extensive differentiation of native terrestrial vertebrates in a single metropolis …
Lack of genetic introgression between wild and selectively bred Sydney rock oysters Saccostrea glomerata …
Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia from the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) …
Female iridescent colour ornamentation in a butterfly that displays mutual ornamentation: is it a sexual signal? …
Mate guarding and male mate choice in the chameleon grasshopper Kosciuscola tristis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) …
Assimilation of organic matter by two benthic consumers across gradients of latitude and nutrient enrichment …
Global correlation of the early Cambrian of South Australia: Shelly fauna of the Dailyatia odyssei Zone …
Endolymphatic Sac Use and Reproductive Activity in the Lesser Antilles Endemic Gecko Gonatodes antillensis (Gekkota: Sphaerodactylidae) …
Computational Intelligence for Metabolic Pathway Design: Application to the Pentose Phosphate Pathway …
Inhibition of melanogenesis by jineol from Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans via MAP-Kinase mediated MITF downregulation and the proteasomal degradation of tyrosinase …
The weighted groundwater health index: Improving the monitoring and management of groundwater resources …
Are males more scared of predators? Differential change in metabolic rate between males and females under predation risk …
Antioxidant efficacy and the upregulation of Nrf2-mediated HO-1 expression by (+)-lariciresinol, a lignan isolated from Rubia philippinensis, through the activation of p38 …
Unveiling the excited state energy transfer pathways in peridinin-chlorophyll a-protein by ultrafast multi-pulse transient absorption spectroscopy …
Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite response of captive koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) to visitor encounters …
Swimming metabolic rates vary by sex and development stage, but not by species, in three species of Australian otariid seals …
Retinal temporal resolution and contrast sensitivity in the parasitic lamprey Mordacia mordax and its non-parasitic derivative Mordacia praecox …
Effect of climate variability on weaning mass in a declining population of southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina …
Strength of silk attachment to IIex chinensis leaves in the tea bagworm Eumeta minuscula (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) …