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DEPARTMENT MATTERS | September 14, 2020

Message from the HoD

Dear all,

Another week of intense activity in the L&T space with on-campus sessions underway for many and lots of work behind the scenes dealing with requests for information from the Faculty, which will no doubt inform decisions about the coursework suite going forward.

Lots of changes in the admin team recently, with the Department saying a reluctant and fond farewell to Emma Wang and also next week Calli Miller. I am sure I speak on behalf of everybody in the Department when I say that their efficiency and cheerful personalities will be greatly missed! We are very fortunate, however, to have Jenny Ghabache, Erin Cheng and now Julian May back with us, and a belated welcome back to all three.

Sadly, next week we will also be saying farewell to Rekha Joshi, Ray Duell and Monica King, and I hope you can join us in person on Tuesday as we thank them for their incredible service and dedication to Biology and MQ over the years. Because of COVID, this event is limited to 50 people and a link has already been sent out for registration. I look forward to seeing you there.



Save the Date

This Week

September 22: Farewell morning tea for Rekha Joshi, Monika King and Ray Duell. Limited places available – See Jenny Ghabache’s email for more details.

September/October: Pride in Diversity online learning series,12:30pm -2:00pm (more details below)

Future Events
October 14-15: MRes Y2 Seminars (from 10am on Zoom). Full schedule and link to follow soon.

Weekly Events

Wed: Department Seminars ARE BACK via Zoom

Wed: Shut Up and Write sessions – now online! 

General News and Announcements

New ARC Discovery, Linkage and Future Fellowship Pitching Sessions scheduled

A number of ‘pitching sessions’ have been scheduled for those thinking of submitting Discovery, Linkage or Future Fellowship applications. There are several face-to-face sessions scheduled, however, should you not be able to attend an on campus session and would prefer to use Zoom, please contact and let us know so that we can schedule a Zoom session.

The currently scheduled face-to-face sessions are:

ARC Pitching Session #1 – Biology, EES and Chiro – Monday 12th October 2020, 9am – 12pm

ARC Pitching Session #2 – Applied BioSciences and Molecular Sciences – Monday 12th October 2020, 2pm – 4.30pm

ARC Pitching Session #3 – Maths & Stats and Computing – Friday 16th October 2020, 9am – 12pm

ARC Pitching Session #4 – Physics and Astronomy, AAO and Engineering – Friday 16th October 2020,1pm – 4pm

The venue for all of these will be: Briefing Room 149, 7 Wally’s Walk. The discipline areas are not set in stone, should you not be able to attend the session scheduled for your department, please feel free to attend another.

Please contact our Dept Director of Research to book in to pitch (regardless of which session you wish to attend), or let them know if you would like to hear the pitches and perhaps offer some feedback. There to hear your pitches and offer advice will be FSE Associate Dean of Research, Professor David Coutts, Faculty Research Manager Irina Zakoshanski, some current and previous ARC college members and a selection of Departmental Directors of Research.

Morning tea and farewell messages
We will be holding the morning tea farewell for our departing technical staff members on Tuesday, please see Jenny’s email for more details. The event has been capped at 50 attendees, so please RSVP quickly so you don’t miss out.
You can still leave a farewell message for Rekha Joshi, Monika King, Ray Duell, Sam Newton, Calli Miller or Emma Wang, by responding to the survey monkey at the link below by Monday morning, 21 Sept.  There will be envelopes at the front desk if you wish to give money towards a gift.

Royal Society Journals Feedback
Abigail Baker from the Library is seeking to make a case including the renewal of the Royal Society Journals and Global Plants to be included in the 2021 budget and need your input. Please forward any comments on the importance and usefulness of the resource by Monday, 21 September 2020 to
It is useful to know which of the following journals are required to support learning, teaching and research:
  • Biology Letters
  • Interface Focus
  • Journal of the Royal Society Interface
  • Notes and Records: the Royal Society journal of the history of science
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
  • Sciences
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
  • Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society (free online from Jan 2020)
  • Open Biology (Open Access)
  • Royal Society Open Science (Open Access)
  • Global Plants (High resolution digitized images that allow measurements of specimens, with stable links)

205B CR Meeting Room Bookings
This is a reminder that you must book the meeting rooms prior to use for a number of reasons;
  • We need to know who has been in the room(s) at any one time in the case that COVID contact tracing is required (We hope that we never have to do this but we need to still be prepared in the event it does happen)
  • So that you are not interrupted halfway through your meeting by someone who has booked the room 

Small meeting rooms G05 & G06 

  • COVID room capacity max 2 people (Please still sit 1.5 m apart)
  • Use hand sanitiser located in hallway outside the rooms before and after use
  • These meeting rooms are for meetings or Zoom calls for those staff/students that share an office
  • Bookings are limited to 1 hour
  • Please ensure the room is left the way you found it with rubbish removed, chairs pushed in and the whiteboard cleaned

How to book;

Both rooms are booked through your Outlook Calendar, just select the meeting room you want to book in the location section; 

  • G05 location is FSE-205BCR-G05 Meeting Room 
  • G06 location is FSE-205BCR-G06 Meeting Room


G28 Boardroom  

  • COVID room capacity max 8 people (Please still sit 1.5 m apart)
  • Use hand sanitiser located in hallway by the kitchen before and after using the room
  • Please ensure the room is left the way you found it with rubbish removed, whiteboard cleaned, blinds up, chairs pushed in and the projector & lights turned off 
  • The boardroom is for more formal meetings, or meetings of more than 2 people where the smaller meetings rooms are not suitable due to social distancing measures

How to book;

Please email <> with the time, date and description of your meeting and Jacqui or Liz will book it in for you and send you a confirmation if the room is available at that time. For this reason, please allow at least 24 hours prior to your meeting, to allow time to book (the more time the better as the room may already be booked by someone else!).

Pride in Diversity online learning series, September – limited places! 

Bisexual Awareness / Bi-Visibility Day 

Wednesday 23 September, 12:30-2:00pm; register via WebEx. 

In celebration of Bisexual Awareness week and Bi-Visibility Day (Wednesday 23rd Sept), Relationship Manager Ellie Watts will host this session presenting and discussing the lived experience and challenges specific to being a bisexual person, as well as ways to be an ally to the bisexual people in your workplace and life.  

Trans Pride in a Pandemic

This is a four-part online forum series for trans and gender diverse people and allies, developed in partnership by ACON and Trans Pride Australia with funding support by the City of Sydney. Every forum is free and all speakers are paid. Register for one, some, or all forums.  

Forums will take place on Thursdays 6-7pm:  

  • Trans Resilience :: Coming out of COVID-19 – 10 September  

  • Trans Rights :: Protection and Justice – 24 September  

  • Femme Queen, Faafafine, Bakla :: Decolonising the T with Bhenji Ra – 8 October  

  • Gender Euphoria :: A New Narrative – 29 October  

A reminder to clean meeting rooms after use
Please be reminded to clean meeting rooms, such as the Tearooms after use. This includes wiping down surfaces and used equipment like computers and keyboard.
Please do your part to look after the health of the University.

Plant of the Week 

Lord Howe Island Wedding Lily – Dietes robinsoniana

Bushland regenerators in Sydney recognise a number of species of Dietes as increasingly problematic weeds in local bushland, and yet the geographic distribution of this predominantly African genus is quite extraordinary. Why? Well, there are 6 species of Dietes, 5 from Africa, but one, Dietes robinsoniana, from Lord Howe Island, off the east coast of Australia.

This week we are fortunate to have superb photographs of Lord Howe Island and the Lord Howe Island Wedding Lily from Dr David Meagher, whose recent doctoral thesis was titled The bryophyte flora of Lord Howe Island: taxonomy, diversity and biogeography.

We also thank Jann Hayman for allowing us to use her photograph of Dietes grandiflora.

Plant of the week – Dietes robinsoniana


MURI 1MT competition
6th October 6pm – Macquarie University’s Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI) One-Minute Thesis (1MT) Competition.

MURI offers undergraduate students a paid research and collaborative opportunity with Macquarie University academics. This highly sought-after research program also facilitates the 1-Minute Thesis (1MT) Competition, inspired by the international 3MT Competition, an Australian initiative that became an international phenomenon in Academia.

Registration is essential for online or on-campus attendance:

COVID-19 restrictions cap our capacity to 50 in-person attendees, but a Zoom Link will be emailed to those unable to attend.

CSIRO Conference Sponsorship Program, 2020

The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer is pleased to confirm the 2020 Conference Sponsorship Program is now open for applications. This round of the Conference Sponsorship Program is open to organisations hosting research conferences in New South Wales from July 2020 to June 2021. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis.


The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer is committed to responsible management of COVID-19. If your conference is an ‘in-person’ event, you must comply with current government requirements regarding maximum numbers and social distancing. Any conference that does not appropriately demonstrate how it will implement and comply with social distancing requirements will be deemed ineligible for funding under Round 13 of the Conference Sponsorship Program.

Further information about the program, including application forms and dates, is available here:

Recruiting Mentors for the BioTech Future Challenge
The BIOTech Futures team are seeking academics to mentor high school students under the BIOTech Futures Challenge 2020, a large outreach event hosted by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering (Director: Prof Hala Zreiqat), in conjunction with our many partner institutes and centres.
This is a fantastic opportunity for academics, postdocs and research students (all can be mentors) to work together with high school students and inspire the next generation of young scientists. As an academic mentor, you will be guiding one to several teams of high school students on an innovative project in science, engineering, medicine, etc. that is related to your research area. The teams will conduct their research and design for the project, and present their ideas and findings in a short presentation at our end-of-year symposium.
Please find some additional information regarding the event below. For more detailed information about our expectations for mentor commitment, please see the attached “Final Statement of commitment” document. More information can be found on the website or contact

Please register as a mentor through our Google form. Mentors have the choice of submitting possible projects or to work with students who develop their own project.

Working With Children Check (WWCC). This is not required for registration – we will ask you to update when we’re allocating projects. You can apply or renew at (free for volunteers).

Hort Innovation Leadership Fund Grant for young scientists
Hort Innovation is partnering with the 2021 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, a competitive grant program that seeks to advance the careers of young researches, scientists, producers and innovators aged between 18 and 35 years by funding research projects that benefit Australia’s primary industries. 

This year, Hort Innovation is the official Science Award partner, offering a grant of $22,000 (incl. GST) through the Hort Innovation Leadership Fund, to a young Australian with an innovative research idea for the horticultural sector. The horticulture category winner will also be invited to apply for the Minister of Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management’s Award, granting an additional $22,000 (incl. GST) to extend the project.  

Applications are now open and close Friday 2 October at 5:00 pm AEST with winners to be announced at the ABARES Outlook event in March 2021.  

For more information visit the website.

2021 Science and Innovation Awards – now open
Applications are now open for the 2021 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, a competitive annual grants program supporting young Australians aged 18-35 by funding projects that will benefit Australia’s primary industries. In partnership with research and development corporations and industry associations there are 10 award categories worth up to $22,000 each. 

1. Go to GrantConnectlog in and search for GO4188 to access the sample application form and link to the application portal.
2. Read through the sample application form to see what’s involved.
3. Check out our handy questions and answers for applicants.
5. Read the Science and Innovation Awards partner profiles
 to find out what they are looking for. 
6. Discover what projects were successful in previous rounds.
7. Prepare, save and submit your application online!

For further information and enquiries:, 02 6272 2260 or 02 6272 2303

Applications close 5:00pm AEST Friday 2 October 2020


Biological Sciences Seminar 

No seminar this week!

205B PC2 & PC2 Insectary Inductions
Inductions have been scheduled for the rest of the year, see dates below. 
205B PC2: Tuesdays @ 9:30AM – 25th Aug, 22nd Sep, 20th Oct, 17th Nov, 15th Dec
PC2 Insectary: Wednesdays @ 1PM – 26th Aug, 23rd Sep, 21st Oct, 18th Nov, 16th Dec
All induction pre-requisites must be completed and provided prior to the induction.
Contact Josh Aldridge <> with enquiries.

Online Statistics Workshops

Insight Research Services Associated is proud to be presenting three workshops online in October/November 2020. 2020.11 Insight Online

* October 24/25:  A Gentle Introduction to Statistics in SPSS and R

* October 28/29:  Introduction to Linear and Logistic Regression

* November 4/5:  Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis

These workshops are aimed at non-statisticians as well as statisticians new to these fields. Please read the attached flyer for more information, or visit our website at <>. For questions please contact Mark Griffin at or by phone on 0448 176 926.

To keep up to date with the training programs being delivered by Insight please consider joining our email list at <>.

Ally Network Training
After a long time with no Ally training, we are happy to announce that two online sessions have been scheduled on the following dates and are open to all staff and students. Registrations are essential as spots are limited:

• Tuesday 29th September – 10am to 11.30am
• Wednesday 7th October – 2pm to 3.30pm
Registration link:
The online training session will be delivered by our new Pride in Diversity relationship manager Brett Atkinson. The session will be followed by information on specific resources and support available at Macquarie University. Izzy de Allende ( will be in touch with everyone that completes the online module.

Venture Café – will be convening their community online, via Zoom, and offering the #ThursdayGathering programming in a Virtual format.

For more information visit:


CSIRO Postgraduate scholarships
CSIRO PhD Top-up Scholarships are worth AUD 7,000 per year, plus an operating budget of up to AUD 10,000 per year. Projects offered: 

Health and Biosecurity
– Self-limiting genetic control of invasive vertebrate pests (zebrafish)
Agriculture and Food
– Various, including sustainable production and genome “bioprediction”
Land and Water
– Fire, termites and tree hollows: is there a trade-off between habitat condition and carbon storage in tropical savannas? (based in Darwin)
– Spaceborne LiDAR as a vegetation biomass scaling tool
– River flows and aquatic predator ecology in tropical river-floodplains of northern Australia
Oceans and Atmosphere
– Coral characteristics and processes for modelling and restoration
– Image capture and deep-learning applications to fisheries research
Applicants must already have University PhD admission and a stipend, and an university supervisor who is willing and able to supervise. Applicants who already commenced their PhD studies must be less than 12 months into their PhD as of 1 January 2021. Recipients should generally be Australian citizens or permanent residents; tnternational applicants must have the appropriate immigration approvals to allow them to take up the scholarship.

Attention all Unit Convenors

Now is the time to mention the Master of Research program to your students. Students at all levels will benefit from knowing about post-bachelor options, and many of our best MRes students have started out volunteering with research groups very early in their bachelor degree program.

We encourage all unit convenors to carve out 2-3 minutes to talk about:
– We are a very research active department.
– We encourage students to volunteer and participate.
– The cool things that you are doing in your research!
– For a 2021 S1 start applications are due at the end of October.

Attached here: – 2021 MRes-Recruitment is some AV which you may find useful. Any student with questions about the Biology MRes program are encouraged to contact the BPhil/MRes Yr. 1 advisor: Matthew Kosnik <>.


Free Genetics Text Books 
A large collection of Genetics textbooks are free to a good home. Available for collection from the Biology Tearoom. Get in quick!

Chiro Discounted Treatment Deals
The Department of Chiropractic is offering discounted deals at their MQ Chiropractic Clinics.
1) 50% off initial treatment for Frontline Workers (i.e., $17.50)
2) FREE Chiropractic Treatments for MQU sports scholars (until 10th Oct, $20 treatments thereafter).
Thirdly, if you find yourself (personally, or in conversation with someone else) with a sore, stiff back from constantly sitting at your desks (or for any other musculoskeletal injury/ complaint), PLEASE do mention their Chiropractic Clinics. 
They have one clinic on campus (EMC), and two others at Summer Hill and Eastwood.

FSE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion needs you
At Macquarie University, a voluntary survey in HR Online is used to gather details about staff diversity. This information helps MQ understand the diversity of our workforce and whether staff of all backgrounds have the same opportunities to join, develop and progress at Macquarie. This analysis is used to identify and address any barriers that may be facing demographic groups, and to track progress over time. 

At this stage, the picture of workforce diversity within our Faculty is incomplete, as just 58% of staff have provided this information. MQ HR would like to encourage you to check that your diversity profile is up to date via HR Online so they can better understand and serve our staff community. This data will be used to build a relevant and successful EDI action plan that will benefit everyone in the Faculty. Data provided will remain confidential. Diversity data is only reported at an aggregate level and data analysis provided to our Faculty by the Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Team is anonymised.

To complete your diversity profile please log into HR Online and select the ‘My HR’ tab in the top left. Select ‘Personal Details’, then ‘My Diversity Profile’.

If you have any questions, please contact <>.

PACE Survey – campus living lab for ecology
ENV3463 (PACE) Group Project Semester 2 2020 – seeking assistance with a questionnaire.
Within Macquarie university’s 126 hectare campus there are a number of environmental assets that, in addition to making the campus an attractive learning environment, act as a valuable learning and teaching resource for staff, students and visitors.

Our project will identify areas where value may be added for the land managers of Macquarie university, and the faculties and teaching staff that use the campus for field-based learning and teaching activities.  Such areas include but are not limited to: Mars creek, Macquarie Lake, remnant bushland vegetation, the Turpentine Ironbark Forest, teaching gardens, Macquarie weather station, and the campus Ecology Reserve adjoining Lane Cove National Park.
If you are willing to complete our 12 point questionnaire, you would be greatly helping us in identifying used and underutilised areas of Macquarie campus as a learning and teaching resource in order to add value to both teaching and on-ground management in the future.
Email <> to register your willingness to participate.

Outreach Activities

Have You Participated in an Activity for Biology Recently? Don’t forget to fill in the super-quick form here – ACCESS OUTREACH FORM HERE

Call out for Social Media Content
We are looking to feature a different student each week on the Biology Social Media accounts. If you would like to share your research or fieldwork with the public, please send photos and a short blurb about your work to Jenny Ghabache: <

Correct Method for Submitting to Department Matters

Department Matters submissions now have their own email address. Please send all your news items for the newsletter to <>

Have You Missed Out on an Issue of Department Matters? Back issues can be found at this newsletter archive link for your reading pleasure.

New Publications

Reptiles on the brink: identifying the Australian terrestrial snake and lizard species most at risk of extinction

By: Geyle, Hayley M., Reid Tingley, Andrew P. Amey, Hal Cogger, Patrick J. Couper, Mark Cowan, Michael D. Craig et al. Pacific Conservation Biology (2020). | Find with Google Scholar »

Integrative developmental ecology: a review of density-dependent effects on life-history traits and host-microbe interactions in non-social holometabolous insects

By: Ponton, Fleur, and Juliano Morimoto. Evolutionary Ecology (2020): 1-22. | Find with Google Scholar »

Current and projected global extent of marine built structures

By: Bugnot, A. B., M. Mayer-Pinto, L. Airoldi, E. C. Heery, E. L. Johnston, L. P. Critchley, E. M. A. Strain et al. Nature Sustainability (2020): 1-9. | Find with Google Scholar »

Field trials of chemical suppression of embryonic cane toads (Rhinella marina) by older conspecifics

By: McCann, Samantha, Michael Crossland, Matthew Greenlees, and Richard Shine. Ecology and Evolution. | Find with Google Scholar »

Decadal changes in blood delta C-13 values, at-sea distribution, and weaning mass of southern elephant seals from Kerguelen Islands

By: Mestre, Julie, Matthieu Authier, Yves Cherel, Rob Harcourt, Clive R. McMahon, Mark A. Hindell, Jean-Benoît Charrassin, and Christophe Guinet. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287, no. 1933 (2020): 20201544. | Find with Google Scholar »

Bumblebees Learn a Relational Rule but Switch to a Win-Stay/Lose-Switch Heuristic After Extensive Training

By: MaBouDi, HaDi, Cwyn Solvi, and Lars Chittka. bioRxiv (2020). | Find with Google Scholar »

Hook-shaped enterolith and secondary cachexia in a free-living grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus, Rafinesque 1810)

By: Otway, Nicholas M., Greg J. West, Damian B. Gore, and Jane E. Williamson. Veterinary Medicine and Science. | Find with Google Scholar »


By: PIKE, DAVID A., ELIZABETH A. ROZNIK, JONATHAN K. WEBB, and RICHARD SHINE. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15, no. 2: 409-415. | Find with Google Scholar »

Effect of storage time on the physiological characteristics and vegetative regeneration of desiccation-tolerant mosses on the Loess Plateau, China

By: Guo, Yuewei, Yunge Zhao, and Alison J. Downing. Restoration Ecology 28 (2020): S203-S211. | Find with Google Scholar »

Genetic biocontrol and population replacement via synthetic genetic incompatibility

By: Maselko, M., A. Upadhyay, S. Heinsch, S. Das, N. Feltman, A. Peterson, M. B. O'Connor, and M. J. Smanski. In TRANSGENIC RESEARCH, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 480-480. VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS: SPRINGER, 2020. | Find with Google Scholar »

Big trouble for little fish: identifying Australian freshwater fishes in imminent risk of extinction

By: Lintermans, Mark, Hayley M. Geyle, Stephen Beatty, Culum Brown, Brendan C. Ebner, Rob Freeman, Michael P. Hammer et al. Pacific Conservation Biology (2020). | Find with Google Scholar »

Courtship and copula duration influence paternity success in a spider

By: Magris, Martina, Anne E. Wignall, and Marie E. Herberstein. Animal Behaviour 165 (2020): 1-9. | Find with Google Scholar »

Gastrointestinal nematode infection affects overall activity in young sheep monitored with tri-axial accelerometers

Ikurior, Seer J., William E. Pomroy, Ian Scott, Rene Corner-Thomas, Nelly Marquetoux, and Stephan T. Leu. Veterinary Parasitology 283 (2020): 109188. | Find with Google Scholar »

Experimental assembly reveals ecological drift as a major driver of root nodule bacterial diversity in a woody legume crop

By: Ramoneda, Josep, Johannes J. Le Roux, Emmanuel Frossard, Beat Frey, and Hannes Andres Gamper. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96, no. 6 (2020): fiaa083. | Find with Google Scholar »

Diurnal activity in cane toads (Rhinella marina) is geographically widespread

By: Pettit, Lachlan, Simon Ducatez, Jayna L. DeVore, Georgia Ward-Fear, and Richard Shine. Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 1-11. | Find with Google Scholar »

An ecological analysis of snakes captured by CJP Ionides in eastern Africa in the mid-1900s

By: Shine, Richard, and Stephen Spawls. Scientific reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 1-10. | Find with Google Scholar »

Proteomic Responses to Drought Vary Widely Among Eight Diverse Genotypes of Rice (Oryza sativa)

By: Hamzelou, Sara, Dana Pascovici, Karthik Shantharam Kamath, Ardeshir Amirkhani, Matthew McKay, Mehdi Mirzaei, Brian J. Atwell, and Paul A. Haynes. ( International journal of molecular sciences 21, no. 1 (2020): 363. | Find with Google Scholar »

In the Media

Distinguished Professor Lesley Hughes contributed to an open letter in The Australian ‘On every count, Snowy 2.0 is a disaster in the making’.

Read more »

Dr Matthew Bulbert was interviewed on ABC Radio Hobart Evenings regarding why mosquitoes bite some people and not others. This story was originally published on The Lighthouse.

Read more »

Dr Vanessa Pirotta was interviewed on ABC South East NSW Breakfast about a group of whales sighted in a feeding frenzy off the South Coast on the weekend.

Read more »

Dr Vanessa Pirotta was interviewed on ABC Radio Darwin Drive and 2GB Drive regarding humpback whales seen in the East Alligator River in the Northern Territory.

Read more »

Professor Robert Harcourt provided comment to the Daily Telegraph about how climate change is affecting the east coast current and bringing sharks closer to shore.

Read more »

Professor Culum Brown provided comment to The Australian regarding how warming oceans are bringing sharks further south.

Read more »

Recent Completions

Iván Beltrán has been awarded his PhD Thesis titled “Taking the heat: can mothers buffer global warming and still produce smart babies?”

Supervised by Martin Whiting