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DEPARTMENT MATTERS | November 13, 2020

Message from the HoD

Dear all,

Some good news to share this week. First, we congratulate Dr. Cody Freas on securing an MQ Research Fellowship to work with Prof. Ken Cheng on “Navigational learning in natural and simulated environments: characterizing how simple brains learn complex spatial tasks”. Secondly, we congratulate A/Prof. Martin Whiting on his successful promotion to Level E. Well done!

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Save the Date

This Coming Week

Mon 16th November, COB: Travel admin deadline; see below.

Tues 17th November, 11am-12pm: Webinar on the Management of Data and Information in Research Guide; see below.

Future Events

Mon 23rd November, COB: Finance admin deadlines; see below.

Tues 1st December, 1:30-2pm: Biology end of year celebration via Zoom (see calendar invitation from HoD for details)

Tues 1st December, 2-4pm: S2 Examiners’ Meeting (see calendar invitation from HoD account for Zoom link)

Tues 8th December, 10-11:30am: MRes Y2 virtual poster session (links will be sent out closer to date)

Wed 9th December, 9am-5pm: SAVE THE DATE for the Biological Sciences Research Retreat; venue and further details to come soon.

Weekly Events

Mon-Fri: morning writing sessions on Zoom with HDR Learning Skills; see below.

General News and Announcements

Research Success

Tanya Rosewarne (MRes year 2) has been awarded a ‘Grand Start Masters’ Foundation SA Grant for her project “Forecasting future spatial use of Seal Bay Conservation Park by the endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) in a changing climate“. See a video of the Grant Award Ceremony linked from Nature Foundation’s website (Tanya is featured at 8:16).
Tanya is supervised by Rob Harcourt, Ben Pitcher, and Maina Mbui (EES).

Add your farewell messages for Kath McClellan and Sam Newton

We are collecting farewell messages for Sam Newton and Kath McClellan, who will be finishing with Biology at the end of this year, in a new online format called Kudoboard, which the Faculty has purchased the license for. Follow the links below to leave your message; if you are using it for the first time you’ll be asked to register, which will enable you to go back in and edit your post.

Sam Newton:

Kath McClellan:

We encourage you to add images and even add videos. When these is closed off, we’ll be able to share it with Sam and Kath and even print them out. If you have any questions about using Kudoboard, please contact Jenny Ghabache <>.

Survey about perception of fire risk in Australia – please complete and share!

A student from University of Reading is doing a project about the perception of fire risk in Australia (she has family out there) and she needs to get a diverse bunch of people to fill in her survey. Would you be willing to complete this short survey? It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. Also, please feel free to circulate the link to friends, students, colleagues etc 

eWaste collection in November

Please bring your old/non-working electronics to 6 Science Road (E8B), room 204 OR 205a Culloden Road room G84. Admin will be arranging disposal at the end of November. Remember to remove all data from hard drives. If you have queries, contact <> or for The Hill <>.

New MQ Authorship and Peer Review Standards

All researchers should familiarise themselves with the newly-released Macquarie University Authorships Standard; this outlines how to assign authorship and author order, and dealing with conflicts.
Also recently released is the Peer Review Standard, providing direction for how to participate in peer review in a way that is fair, rigorous and timely whilst maintaining the confidentiality of the content. Peer Review is a lynchpin of research publishing so upholding these principles helps to increase confidence in research by increasing its veracity and reproducibility.
Contact or a Research Integrity Advisor with questions or concerns about research conduct.

Biofoundry Project – Fire Hydrant Installation – E8A/E8C

You may have already noticed that the entry into 14EAR (E8A) has been fenced off for the installation of a fire hydrant. You will only be able to enter via 6WW (E8C) and the doors along 14 Eastern Rd, signage is in place to direct you.

End of Year – Processing Deadlines via Admin team = 16th-23rd November 2020

The end of the year is approaching fast! The admin team needs your help to ensure all administration processes are finalised before the university shuts down. Any items below that don’t have a due date yet will be updated in due course.

To help us carry out your request, please email


(click image to view)

What Happens to 2020 Funds?
Grants ending this year, funds in operating accounts or 2020 approved HDR funds may be absorbed by the faculty. Please spend funds by the above dates to prevent this from happening.

If you hold a research grant and need an extension, request one as soon as possible. Please contact Veronica Peralta, if you are unsure about how to do this.

What if I can’t meet the deadlines?

Please contact the Department Manager Sharyon O’Donnell.

Admin understands that requests may be needed after these dates but we cannot guarantee that your request will be met due to our extreme workload during this busy time. If we cannot process your request, it will be held for processing in 2021.

Admin may have a closed-door policy, dependent on the workload.

Travelling? Submit your Absence on Duty!

Reminder: ALWAYS submit an Absence on Duty ( when travelling for research/business purposes:

– Fieldwork: both Absence on Duty AND Field Friendly – and please submit AoD as soon as you know about the trip.
Even if trip dates may change – admin can handle this! Give as much notice as possible.
Even if unsure travel will go ahead – better to get AoD approval anyway.

Admin have had several cases recently of staff/students going into the Field without prior AoD approval, and then requesting reimbursement – this is against University policy.

Best practice: email to inform the admin team, and they can advise you.

MQRIS funding Schemes

The MQRIS Large and Small schemes are now open for applications. The funding rules and the application forms are available from the Research Services Fellowship and Grant Opportunities webpages (Internal Grants section). Because these schemes are being opened much later in the year than normal, the application forms have been amended to reduce the amount of time required to complete the application. The Faculty review process has also been adjusted to this shorter timescale.  For FSE, the Faculty Deadline for both schemes will be Monday the 16th November 2020. No late applications will be accepted this year.  If anyone intends to apply to this internal scheme, please contact Andrew Barron <>

For MQRIS (Large): Please email the completed application form to by the Faculty due date (16th November 2020).

For MQRIS (Small): RIS Small MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH PURE by the lead CI, by the Faculty due date (16th November 2020). Please check the funding rules carefully – MQRIS (Small) does not support costs for personnel this year.

Purchasing: OneHelp approval required for anything IT-related

This covers: computers (and notebooks, laptops, phones), cameras, hard drives, software, services (including subscriptions), and all computer peripherals (keyboard, mouse, dock, webcam, headset, etc.).

1x. If unsure, just submit a OneHelp ticket with a description/links/attachments of what you want to buy; FSE IT can give you a quote.
1a. If ordering from a preferred supplier, submit a OneHelp ticket and FSE IT will help you.
1b. If ordering from outside standard options/suppliers (including custom computers or services), then you will need to submit a OneHelp ticket for CIO approval – this is a fast process.

2a. [Admin purchase – hardware] When you receive approval, forward emails with OneHelp approval + any quotes to, and admin can assist with making the purchase.
2b. [Credit card purchase – some software and services] IF you are able to buy the product (e.g. software licence) on a corporate credit card, then you will need to attach a copy of the OneHelp approval to your card reconciliation.

3. If you are given a purchase order number from admin for a computer/IT hardware, attach this number to the OneHelp ticket; this allows FSE IT to match-up your ticket with the item when it is delivered.

Department intranet

Please note that the intranet has been centralised under FSE, although we still have a department intranet. You will see things that the intranet requires updating; we are in the process of doing that.

Plant of the Week – Angophora hispida – Dwarf Apple

When compared to towering local Eucalyptus and Angophora trees, this shrubby, dwarf tree looks pretty average for most of the year, but when in bud, and in full flower, it can be quite spectacular. Dwarf Apple, Angophora hispida, grows on exposed sandstone ridges in the Sydney region and thrives on nutrient poor sandy soils, often in heathland or scrub, sometimes forming dense, almost impenetrable thickets, a potential source of misery for bushwalkers.

Plant of the week – Angophora hispida


$15,000 Tech Voucher grants to support SME / University Partnerships

MQ has available ~$120K for tech vouchers to support SME (small to medium enterprise) partnerships. The funds are to be allocated between now and the middle of next year. Each grant is for up to 15K, to be matched by the SME. Information about the scheme can be found at Contrary to what the website says, applications related to research to be done in partnership with MQ are being accepted.

This scheme could represent a way for ECRs to catalyse industry connections and hopefully pave the way for a long-term relationship – potentially very useful in a time of tight budgets.

The scheme can:

  • seed a research project in partnership with a BBIP delivery partner
  • support a research project that will lead to an application for an Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme Research Connections or Accelerating Commercialisation, or other similar scheme
  • fund access to research facilities and equipment such as electron microscopes, medical imaging, e-research supercomputers, nanofabrication, marine and climate infrastructure, and other BBIP delivery partner facilities
  • fund product or process design activities, such as engineering or technical design expertise to determine prototype structure, function and/or materials
  • access technical assistance
  • trial production runs or processes to demonstrate technical concepts
  • validate or demonstrate technical capabilities of a product, process or technology
  • fund toxicology studies on materials you have invented, or wish to incorporate into a new product.

This is the final year where MQ will receive a set allocation within this scheme and to date this scheme has been underutilised. In future years this will be a competitive scheme across institutions. This is a very good opportunity to get in now.

If you would like more information or support to progress an application for a TechVoucher, please contact PVC Research Innovation Professor Dan Johnson (

New online volunteer application form to supercede PDF form
To be completed when volunteers are brought onboard. The online form will require the volunteer to have their documents and work details ready to input.
When a form is submitted, an email will come to the supervisor for approval, and they then send it on to the admin team. 


Please see the PDF below with a link to the form and a list of required documents. Please note that admin will no longer be accepting the old pdf form. If you have questions, please contact

Volunteer form information Biological Sciences – see attached for details.
Looking for volunteers?
Want some help with your research or fieldwork? Contact Jenny Ghabache for the list of people that have registered their interest in doing volunteer work in our Dept.

Recruiting Mentors for the BioTech Future Challenge
The BIOTech Futures team are seeking academics to mentor high school students under the BIOTech Futures Challenge 2020, a large outreach event hosted by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering (Director: Prof Hala Zreiqat), in conjunction with our many partner institutes and centres.
This is a fantastic opportunity for academics, postdocs and research students (all can be mentors) to work together with high school students and inspire the next generation of young scientists. As an academic mentor, you will be guiding one to several teams of high school students on an innovative project in science, engineering, medicine, etc. that is related to your research area. The teams will conduct their research and design for the project, and present their ideas and findings in a short presentation at our end-of-year symposium.
Please find some additional information regarding the event below. For more detailed information about our expectations for mentor commitment, please see the attached “Final Statement of commitment” document. More information can be found on the website or contact
Please register as a mentor through our Google form. Mentors have the choice of submitting possible projects or to work with students who develop their own project.

Working With Children Check (WWCC). This is not required for registration – we will ask you to update when we’re allocating projects. You can apply or renew at (free for volunteers).


Research Data Webinar – ARC and NHMRC expectations: Tue 17 Nov

Following are the details of a webinar & workshop hosted by the Australian Research Data Commons about the Management of Data and Information in Research Guide.
In the first session you will hear directly from the ARC and NHMRC about their expectations. This will provide some important context for planned and upcoming changes to Research Data Management at Macquarie University.

Registration links:
Webinar: Management of Data and Information in Research Guide, Tue 17 Nov 11am-12pm
Workshop: Sharing Approaches to Implementing the Data Guide at Universities, Wed 18 Nov, 1-3pm

Co-authored by the Australian Research Council (ARC), the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Universities Australia (UA), the Management of Data and Information in Research Guide contains guidance for institutions and researchers on how they can implement the Australian Research Code as it relates to the subject of research data.

The ARDC in collaboration with its partners will be hosting a webinar by ARC and NHMRC focussing on funder’s expectations and requirements in relation to data management. It will include a short Q&A session and will be of greatest benefit to research administration staff working in Research Offices within Universities or Medical Research Institutes tasked with implementing research data management policies.

The event will be followed by a workshop aimed at those responsible for implementing the Guide at Universities. This will be an opportunity to facilitate knowledge exchange and network building across institutions to develop solutions to research data management challenges.

MQ R Users Group workshop Thur 26 Nov 9am

We’re excited to share the upcoming MQ R Users Group workshop with you – this month it’s all about analysing acoustic telemetry data using R (please note the 9AM start time).

Workshop title: Standardized analyses of acoustic telemetry data using the R packages actel and RSP

Description: Acoustic telemetry is a popular technique used to study the movements of aquatic animals, and a variety of analytical approaches and R packages currently exist to help researchers extract the most meaningful biological information. However, few approaches are yet capable of accounting for the land barriers in these aquatic environments, which are important constraints to the movements performed. Here we will introduce the new R package RSP (Refined Shortest Paths;, which recreates the movements of tracked animals exclusively inside the water. Using practical examples, we will show you how to prepare your acoustic data for processing with the R packages actel ( and RSP, to analyse and visualize habitat utilization patterns and overlaps between different biological groups, both in space and time.

Presenters: Yuri Niella is a PhD student in the Marine Predator Research Group (Macquarie University), interested in how anthropogenic stressors (habitat loss, fishing, climate change) are impacting the spatial and trophic ecology of large bodied coastal sharks. Hugo Flávio is a Post-doctoral fellow at Wilfrid Laurier University, particularly interested in systematic and reproducible data analysis, as well as the conservation and restoration of aquatic environments.

Date: Thursday 26 November 2020; Time: 9 AM – 11 AM

Venue: Zoom meeting – please register for this workshop at This will ask you to register and then you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. Please note the 9AM start time and ignore the start time in the Zoom confirmation for this workshop.

The resources for this workshop will be available soon from

Please have R and R Studio downloaded on your laptop before the workshop. You can find instructions for the same here: If you have any trouble, we’ll be available to help you sort the issues 15 minutes before the workshop begins at the zoom link.

If you have not yet joined our Slack workspace you can do so here This follows a stack-exchange format, and anyone can post questions and answers – all questions across all platforms are permitted as long as they’re about data/stats. If you would like some help from the MQ R user group community try posting your problem on our #rhelp Slack channel. We also post on Slack about our upcoming events.


Mock Interviews

Mock Interviews: Interviewing for jobs can be challenging. Over the last few years, we have been offering mock-interviews for Students, Postdocs and Casual staff who have been shortlisted for one. If you are shortlisted for an interview and would like to do a mock before the real deal, please email Ajay [] with relevant information [job description, application, mode of the interview – online or in person]. We will put together a relevant panel to help you prepare for your interview.

Venture Café – will be convening their community online, via Zoom, and offering the #ThursdayGathering programming in a Virtual format.

For more information visit:


MRes Road to Research (R2R) Scholarships Now Open – for coursework masters graduates.

The OHDRTP is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the HDR Road to Research Scholarships. Applications are invited from international and domestic candidates eligible for direct entry to the Master of Research Y2 program in Session 1 2021 who are currently located in Australia, for completion of MRes Y2 in 2021. Further details regarding eligibility, selection process and application procedure are available on the website for international and domestic scholarships. 

Applications will close on 30 November 2020 at 11:59PM AEST.  Additional information:

• Candidates currently enrolled in BPhil or MRes Y1 programs do not need to apply for this scholarship and will be considered through the usual progression round later this year

• Domestic candidates who have already applied in the Main Domestic Scholarship round (closing at the end of this month) will automatically added to the Road to Research round where they are approved for MRes Y2 entry.

• Domestic candidates who have not yet applied for the Main Domestic Scholarship round and wish to be considered for both scholarships will need to select both scholarship types in the application form.

• International candidates who applied through the main international round who were not successful for a scholarship, but are onshore and eligible for MRes Y2 entry should submit a scholarship only application form.

If anyone is interested in applying please contact Ajay Narendra <>

APR.Intern Opportunities – good for PhDs under examination

Summary: APR.Intern organises industry paid internships ($3000/month) for current or recently-completed PhD candidates; see student info.

APR.Intern is a not-for-profit (a STEM organisation) and the only recognized national postgraduate all-discipline intern program (3-6 month projects) with $18M funding from Federal Government to rebate industry for PhD’s doing research. They have a focus on women in STEM along with indigenous, disadvantaged and regional undertaking PhD’s in Australia.

Some currently available projects:

  • FIAL, is offering $4000 + GST up front for food industry-related research projects.
  • IMCRC, Innovative Manufacturing CRC is offering $5000 to $6,500 + GST up front for advanced and digital manufacturing and optimisation solutions related research projects.
  • MTP Connect REDI Initiative, is offering $10,000 + GST a rebate for businesses in the medtech, biotech and pharmaceutical sector with related research projects

Federal Government funding will rebate industry partners at 90% for Domestic PhD’s signing Agreements from 20 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, and International PhD’s at 50%.

If you or your supervisor wishes to approach an industry partner directly to set-up an internship, you can provide this flyer with costing/project details: APR_PricingFlyer_GovRebate.

All APR Intern programs must be completed by 31 August 2021.

The Thesis/Research Whisperer’s #Whisperfest 23-26 November 2020

HDR Candidates are invited to register for a series of great events around surviving research training and careers.
Here’s what the program looks like, and here are the registration links:

DAY 1 – MONDAY 23 Nov 2020 – WELLBEING
The Fireside Chats will take place at the end of each #Whisperfest day:
#Whisperfest is brought to you by the Whisper Collective:

>> The Research Whisperer team, Tseen Khoo and Jonathan O’Donnell
>> Narelle Lemon from Explore and Create Co
>> The Thesis Whisperer, Inger Mewburn

Rice Field Research Award – applications open!

This award is open to PhD candidates and MRes candidates undertaking their second year in 2021, enrolled in the Department of Biological Sciences. The scheme is supported by a bequest by the Rice Memorial Fund, established in the memory of Barbara Rice (1944-2009).

The award supports field work activities, by providing funding of $1000. Field research is interpreted as research undertaken in outdoor environments where wild populations of the study organism occur. The award will be given to a postgraduate research student who is judged to have prepared the best proposal towards their future field research, with the funds to be spent on that research within a year of receipt.

The application is to be signed and emailed to the Head of Department ( before the closing date: 30th November 2020. The application form with further details is attached: Rice Memorial Field Research Proposal Award_2020

Grants and Scholarships

Scholarships for students with disabilities 

Northcott (AU) foundation offers several scholarships for students who use a wheelchair or otherwise have a physical disability; see Northcott website for details. Applications close 23 Nov 2020.  

Grants in Herpetology 

The (US-based) Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles is offerring grants (~USD$500) across field or lab reesarch, conservation, or travel; see SSAR website for details. Applications close 15 Dec 2020. 

Forests (Switzerland) Travel Award 

Up to CHF600 (~AUD$950) towards conference travel costs, plus opportunity to submit a publication; see Forests website for details. Applications close 15 Dec 2020. 

Royal Entomological Society (UK) Student article award 

For “Any article about an entomological topic that would be of interest to the general public. The article should be easy to read, in a popular style and no longer than 800 words.” Up to GBP400; see RES website for details. Applications close 31 Dec 2020. 

Fellowships in Cellular Agriculture 

(US-based) New Harvest is offering Graduate (PhD) and Postgraduate Fellowships (USD$40,000-55,000 pa); see New Harvest website for details. Applications close 15 Jan 2021. 

Val Williams Scholarship in Botany 

The Australian Plant Society, North Shore group, is offering $3000 for a project “contributing to the knowledge of the ecology, conservation, or propagation of native plants in the Sydney and surrounding region”; see VWS application info 2021 (pdf); see APS Website for application documents. Applications close 5th March 2021. 

Morning Writing Sessions on Zoom

Are you keen to carve out some (or more) focused time for writing or working on your respective projects? Here’s your motivation!

Florence Chiew from HDR Learning Skills is running daily 9-10 am sessions on Zoom, for anyone wanting to establish a focused work routine.

Huong Ly Tong, a current PhD candidate from the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, is also hosting Zoom sessions from Mondays to Wednesdays, 10 am-12 pm. Ly will be using the pomodoro technique for her sessions.

If you’ve been looking for ways to dedicate and protect your time to focus on your work/projects, these sessions are for you. All are welcome! No need to register, just show up when you can, as often as you can or would like to.

Mondays to Fridays, 9am-10am:


Mondays to Wednesdays, 10am-12pm:
Password: 607014



Australia sees a surge in deadly shark attacks” – news article in Climate and Capital published 3rd Nov 2020:

Be COVID Safe – clean meeting rooms after use
Please be reminded to clean meeting rooms, such as the Tearooms after use. This includes wiping down surfaces and used equipment like computers and keyboard.
Please do your part to look after the health of the University.

Outreach Activities

Have You Participated in an Activity for Biology Recently? Don’t forget to fill in the super-quick form here – ACCESS OUTREACH FORM HERE

Call out for Social Media Content
We are looking to feature a different student each week on the Biology Social Media accounts. If you would like to share your research or fieldwork with the public, please send photos and a short blurb about your work to Jenny Ghabache: <>

Correct Method for Submitting to Department Matters

Department Matters submissions now have their own email address. Please send all your news items for the newsletter to <>

Have You Missed Out on an Issue of Department Matters? Back issues can be found at this newsletter archive link for your reading pleasure.

New Publications

Genomic analyses suggest strong population connectivity over large spatial scales of the commercially important baitworm, Australonuphis teres (Onuphidae)

Padovan, Amanda, Rowan C. Chick, Victoria J. Cole, Ludovic Dutoit, Patricia A. Hutchings, Cameron Jack, and Ceridwen I. Fraser. Marine and Freshwater Research 71, no. 11 (2020): 1549-1556. | Find with Google Scholar »

In the Media

Professor Rick Shine was featured on The New Daily about cane toads rapidly evolving to become bigger and stronger.

Read more »

Professor Rick Shine was featured on the Adelaide Advertiser about cane toads rapidly evolving to become bigger and stronger.

Read more »

Professor Rick Shine was featured on about cane toads rapidly evolving to become bigger and stronger.

Read more »

Professor Rick Shine was interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney Drive about cane toads rapidly evolving to become bigger and stronger.

Read more »

Recent Completions